Gallery of Finished Fabrics
![Open screen with curved edge well](
Scarlet and a green made from 50/50 golden yellow and turquoise. Printed quickly with dirty transitions.
![2nd layer: Freezer paper resist](
Slightly darker colours, again printed quickly with dirty transitions between colours.
![3rd layer: Self-adhesive label masks and open screen](
Open screen with curved edge well, darker colours, printed more slowly to allow the dye on top of the paper masks to dry slightly.
![Open screen with partial prints](
Extra masking tape added to the well to change the shape of the printable area. Partial prints using three values of grey.
![2nd layer: Masking tape mask and etched flour paste screen](
Lines added in three steps changing the position of the masking tape mask each time to increase the amount of lines towards the bottom of the fabric.
![Off-piste - adding beads of dye to the screen and pulling in arcs](
Breaking all the rules. No well, not pulling from edge to edge, adding colour to the screen as random.
![2nd layer: commercial stencil](
Stencil taped to back face of screen.
![Loose paper resist](
Printed with medium value rust brown using kitchen towel to prevent ghosting. Plastic card and golden yellow dye used to eliminate white space.
![Loose paper resist then breakdown printed](
1st layer created using loose torn paper in light value colours leaving plenty of white space. 2nd layer printed using an embedded object breakdown screen.
![Detail of stitch added](
![Loose string resist](
Loose string resist combined with open screen with a torn edge well. White space eliminated using an open screen.
![2nd layer: sticky back plastic resist screen with thickened Formosol](
Created a sticky back plastic resist that mirrored the shapes of the string in the first layer.
![Loose net resist](
Used an open screen with a straight edge well. Pieces of net arranged to create an interesting design. Printed in light and medium value greys.
![2nd layer: Sticky back plastic resist with loose net](
Sticky back plastic resist with circular opening. Pulled first print on scrap to ensure the loose net was stuck to the screen. Used a medium value grey.
![Open screen on scrumpled fabric](
Used a screen without a well, soft pleating the fabric, printing, rearranging, printing. Over and over with dirty transitions and lots of ghosting.
![Drawn and distressed breakdown screen](
Grid drawn using royal blue and dark brown lines, distressed whilst wet using the end of a paint brush. Dried then printed using print paste.
![Two drawn breakdown screens](
1st screen made using thickened dye then pulled with print paste. 2nd layer made with print paste and pulled with thickened dye.
![Masking tape resist](
Printed using two values of magenta in the screen. White space eliminated by printing with an open screen and two values of golden yellow.
![Drawn breakdown screen on top of freezer paper resist](
Lines of thickened dye drawn across three circular apertures in a freezer paper resist. Dried, freezer paper removed, curved edge well added and printed with medium and light value golden yellow.
![2nd layer: drawn breakdown on top of sticky back plastic resist](
Lines of thickened dye drawn across the open circle in a sticky back plastic resist. Dried. Sticky back plastic removed, washed, dried and reapplied to the screen to form a solid resist around the breakdown prints. Pulled with print paste.
![Sticky back plastic resist](
Printed on top of a piece of breakdown printed fabric.
![Sticky back plastic with a painted breakdown screen](
Thickened dye painted on top of a sticky back plastis resist. Once dry the resist was removed, washed dried and then put back on the screen which was printed using print paste.
![Washable PVA Glue Resist](
PVA glue drawn on screen using needle nosed bottle with the screen lifted so that the PVA flowed down the screen before drying. First layer printed using medium and light magenta. Second layer, turned screen and pulled using golden yellow.
![Washable PVA Glue Resist](
A drawn grid that had been distressed using end of paint brush before drying. Printed quickly with dirty colour transitions between turquoise and grey.
![Stamped washable PVA glue resist](
Printed using medium value turquoise with light green added afterwards to eliminate the white space.
![2nd layer: etched flour paste resist](
Printed using full strength turquoise. More light green was scrapped across the fabric using a plastic card to shift the background from a blue green to a less blue green.
![Stamped, drawn and brushed flour paste resist](
Printed using magenta initially. Screen turned and second layer pulled using golden yellow.
![String Mask](
String pattern stretched across the fabric, secured by pins. Printed using an open screen and turquoise and grey dyes. Printed quickly so lots of ghosting and mark off.
![Print paste mask](
Circles on print paste printed onto fabric. An open screen was used to add colour immediately on top of the wet prints.
![Open screen with curved edge well](
![2nd layer: Freezer paper resist](
![3rd layer: Self-adhesive label masks and open screen](
![Open screen with partial prints](
![2nd layer: Masking tape mask and etched flour paste screen](
![Off-piste - adding beads of dye to the screen and pulling in arcs](
![2nd layer: commercial stencil](
![Loose paper resist](
![Loose paper resist then breakdown printed](
![Detail of stitch added](
![Loose string resist](
![2nd layer: sticky back plastic resist screen with thickened Formosol](
![Loose net resist](
![2nd layer: Sticky back plastic resist with loose net](
![Open screen on scrumpled fabric](
![Drawn and distressed breakdown screen](
![Two drawn breakdown screens](
![Masking tape resist](
![Drawn breakdown screen on top of freezer paper resist](
![2nd layer: drawn breakdown on top of sticky back plastic resist](
![Sticky back plastic resist](
![Sticky back plastic with a painted breakdown screen](
![Washable PVA Glue Resist](
![Washable PVA Glue Resist](
![Stamped washable PVA glue resist](
![2nd layer: etched flour paste resist](
![Stamped, drawn and brushed flour paste resist](
![String Mask](
![Print paste mask](