Thermofax Screens now available!

Big box has been ticked today here at Urban Studio North! Yes, I have now added a range of thermofax screen designs to my website. I have added the designs that have proved most successful with my students over the last 18 months. There are 12 designs available as a large ‘A4’ screen. Eight of these designs are also available as small ‘A5’ screens as well. And I’ve added thermofax squeegees.

For those of you who don’t know thermofax screens use a fine polyester mesh that has a very thin polyester film on one side. The design is burnt onto that thin film using thermal imaging technology that was originally developed for use in the earliest photocopiers in the 1950’s. The thermal process only affects the film - the mesh is left intact but is now ‘open’ so that you can now print your design onto fabric or paper. To make life easier the mesh is mounted onto a sturdy perspex frame. Whilst not as robust as traditional silk screens, thermofax screens will last through many, many prints if used correctly. They need to be used with a special squeegee as the regular screen printing squeegees drag on the fine mesh and can stretch it. They also need to be cleaned very gently to protect the remaining polyester film on the back of the mesh.

I use thermofax a lot. The designs on my website are great for putting a layer of marks onto fabric before adding colour and shape on top using a regular screen. I use them with both thickened dye and with textile inks although you do need to wash your screen immediately after using them with textile inks (or fabric paints) as these will ruin a screen if left to dry.

Next on my ‘keep busy and try not to worry’ list is printing fabric to make up some of my Wonky Print Inspiration Packs.

Stay safe, stay well,
