it's been a while ....
Breakdown printing screens at Region 16 Summer School
….. since I last wrote a post. I could blame being busy because, well, I have been. But when am I not busy? I have lots I could tell you. I taught a class of 20 how to screen print at the Quilters Guild Region 16 Summer School a few weekends ago. I survived and the students loved it despite the limited space and the only source of water being in the ladies loos (magenta coloured sinks anyone??!!!). I could tell you about the fab week I had with six students in my Breakdown Your Palette workshop. Great ladies and amazing work.
But I keep on finding excuses not to post. And I think it is because my head is in a very funny place. It is still attached to my body but I think you know what I mean. It’s the move to Scotland. I won’t be able to physically get on with sorting the studio and the house until after the last workshop in the studio which is in October. And the house won’t go on the market until next spring and we probably won’t be settled until the autumn of next year. Which is all such a long long time away. My head is already in ‘move mode’ but with nothing to actually do yet I feel like I’m in limbo.
I am thoroughly enjoying teaching but distracted by questions about how and where I will teach moving forward. Questions that can’t really be answered until we move but that doesn’t stop them stampeding through my head as I try to get to sleep. I’m busy getting ready for Festival of Quilts but honestly, although I will probably take a stand next year, I have no idea what will happen after that. Let’s just agree that as a super organised, plan driven person I am way outside my comfort zone!
However, there is an upside. My head has been spinning so much that I have had to carve out time in the studio just to lose myself in print and stitch. Wasn’t planning any ‘art’ time this summer but the joy of process is my drug of choice right now. It does however mean that I might not get as many wonky print packs made for Festival. Sorry about that x